How your child will practice piano with enthusiasm

For children age 6-10

Did you have piano lessons as a child? Do you remember how difficult it was to practice?

The father of a student once told me the following story:
When he was a child, he wanted to learn to play the piano. So the choice fell on an elderly lady nearby who taught lessons.

His will to learn was strong. He endured a strict teacher. He endured the difficult music to play. He endured the fights with his mother over practicing at home.

Practicing the piano, however, felt so burdensome that he soon lost the desire to play.

When the friction over practicing at home got out of hand, his mother stopped the lessons after less than two years. Conclusion: playing the piano is probably not the right thing for the child after all…

Sad but true:
This could be the story of any child from the present day, not much has changed.
I hear stories like this all the time.

Even sadder but equally true:
It took me years to understand why many of my students practiced so little at home and made little progress because of that.


A new path

Finally, I have found a way to help children learn more effectively and quickly, while they can practice at home with enthusiasm and in a completely relaxed way.

The results were impressive – motivation and progress skyrocketed.

Since then, my students play many more pieces every week than ever before. Besides, they have more self-confidence, can concentrate longer and want to show what they have learned at home!

The excitement they show when they get to play a piece they love is just priceless!

By the way, the father from the above story wanted to offer his daughter a more enjoyable experience than he had himself.
He signed her up with me because he saw from the first lesson how much she enjoyed practicing.

But how is this possible?

What are the lessons like at creativepiano?

The creativepiano express program

The creativepiano express program is a weekly lesson program for children ages 6-10.

In this program, a variety of pieces are practiced in a stress-free environment with the teacher, at home students simply review what they have learned.

This promotes the valuable ability to practice independently from day one and ensures less conflict at home.

Just sit back and relax while your child performs the pieces they’ve learned in the lesson.

Here is an excerpt of what children can experience in the creativepiano express program


More than enough Lesson Time

You get twice as much time (60 min) with the teacher as you would at a typical music school – a secret to faster progress


Practice the right way from the start

Learn all the pieces with the teacher in the lesson… the secret to conflict-free practice at home


Strong Sight-Reading Skills

Become a pro at reading music and sight-reading – the most important skill kids need to play more music


Faster Progress

Fly through the beginning books…. our children get through the piano books 50% faster on average


Reviewing at Home

Practicing at home is mainly about reviewing, reinforcing, and increasing tempo. There will hardly be any doubts in the process.


Independence from the start

Your child develops independence and self-confidence, so he sits down at the piano at home by himself.


More popular than traditional lessons

Over 40 children can’t be wrong. They clearly prefer this teaching model to a conventional one.


No conflicts at home

Everything is already learned and practiced in the lesson. Conflicts over practicing at home are a thing of the past.

What sets us apart from others

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Make up lessons

Your child can’t make it to the lesson because he wants to attend his best friend’s birthday party or simply because he got sick?
No problem! Cancel your lesson conveniently via our modern online student portal and register for another lesson slot. At any time and without hassle!

A solid foundation

Just 5 Seconds of Fame and a lifetime of shining with the same two memorized pieces, or would you rather have your child build solid foundations in the creativepiano lesson program? We teach for long-term success, which will lead to self-sufficiency and eventually independence for your child.

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Every week 60 min lessons

More time means more progress. Each week, your child will learn new concepts and a handful of pieces to play at home for mom and dad.
And the best part? Your child learns the pieces with us in class, so there’s stress-free practice at home… unlike almost all other schools that teach concepts and then expect kids to figure it out on their own at home.

creativepiano Performance Masterclasses

You know that uncomfortable feeling when someone asks you to play something and you can’t play anything right now?
Well, that’s over now! A few times during the school year, children have the opportunity to play for each other.  In doing so, they build self-confidence and a sense of community. Often, they can’t wait to show what they can already do.

Innovative learning tools

Play with professional backing tracks, reinforce what you’ve learned with exciting apps, or join a recording session!
A great memory for the family or for later and even the little ones can join in! Be sure to share with friends and family!

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Learn great music!

With creativepiano, your child will learn over 40 pieces from a variety of musical styles in their first year.
Because the more pieces, the faster they learn.
Including melodies from movies, pop, jazz and the ever-popular Christmas songs.

What parents and students say about creativepiano….

Our daughter Hannah has been taking lessons at creativepiano since September and what can I say, she is so excited and comes out of the lessons with so much joy. Even after a long day at school, she still sits down and practices the pieces on her own.
Thank you so much for such wonderful, insightful support in her learning.

A student's mom

Thanks a lot dear Stefan! Julia always looks forward to the piano lessons and it is very nice to see that she is making progress and the joy of learning is fully there 🙂


A student's mom

Dear Stefan!

Thank you for teaching me. Every piano lesson is a little adventure for me!



Three easy steps to a child who loves going to piano lessons

Step 1

Click here and book your child’s intro lesson TODAY!


Step 2

Get to know the teacher and the studio and watch your child beam with joy as they learn 4 to 6 pieces right away in the introductory session.


Step 3

Bring your child to weekly lessons so they can learn the pieces they love!

Want to learn more? Then schedule an intro lesson today and watch me in action.

I’ll put a smile on your child’s face and you’ll learn all about my lesson program.